
Find Equation Of Secant Line

What Is the Vector Equation of a Line?

OktalStudio/Digital Vision Vectors/Getty Images

The vector equation of a line is r = a + tb. In this equation, "a" represents the vector position of some signal that lies on the line, "b" represents a vector that gives the management of the line, "r" represents the vector of whatever general point on the line and "t" represents how much of "b" is needed to get from "a" to the position vector.

Vectors provide a simple way to write down an equation to determine the position vector of any point on a given straight line. In order to write downward the vector equation of any straight line, two known values must be present.

If the position vector of a specific indicate that lies on the line and a vector that gives the management of the line, chosen a management vector, are both present, and then the position vector referred to as "r" of whatsoever full general signal P on the line is given by the equation: r = a + tb.

For case, suppose that Line A has the equation r = i + 3k + t(2i + j + k), then that line A is i + 3k and line B is 2i + j + 1000. Dissimilar values of "t" provide vectors at unlike points on the line:

Putting t = 0 gives r = i + 3k.

Putting t = 1 gives r = 3i + j + 4k.

Putting t = -1 gives r = -i – j + 2k.

Find Equation Of Secant Line,


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